Almost two weeks ago we had our second board meeting at Adoration Christian Centre. Around the table sat some eager people who were eager to know more about what Adoration was doing. Typical of Haitian meetings it started late and ended late. Throughout this time we got all the members on board and excited about the things that are happening at Adoration Christian Centre. Pastor Octavius opened the meeting with a time of prayer and Bible study and then went over our mission and vision statements. Randy and I led the team through the history of Adoration, what is happening currently and where we would like to see Adoration going. We went over all the current programs Adoration is running and the the suggested plans for next year. This meeting was an informative meeting, bringing them more up to speed on where Adoration Christian Centre is at, so that they can bring advice to help guide it. It was a blessing to have these people here and a blessing for this board meeting to happen.