‘Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray. Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise. Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.’ James 5: 13 – 16.
We are thankful that the mayor of Delmas has declared this week to be prayer week in Port au Prince. Throughout this week there will be prayer services held at the mayor’s office and in people’s churches. People are encouraged to spend time in prayer, dedicating issues to our God in prayer. People are praying for the government, for the health, for hunger, for faith, for clean drinking water, for stability in the country and many other issues. We at Adoration love this idea and are going to spend time in prayer with our staff and our students.
We would love it if you could join us this week and pray for the issues mentioned above but specifically for the three issues mention down below for Adoration. Please dedicate some specific time this week in your homes, at your work place, as you drive or wherever you are to pray with us.
‘Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.’ 1 Thessalonians 5:16 – 18.
Adoration open its doors this morning and welcomed another medical team in. Sitting before them and waiting for the clinic to begin was about 150 people. These people came with all kinds of illnesses and are seeking some help from the doctors and nurses that have flown in from New Hampshire and Vermont.
Almost two weeks ago we had our second board meeting at Adoration Christian Centre. Around the table sat some eager people who were eager to know more about what Adoration was doing. Typical of Haitian meetings it started late and ended late. Throughout this time we got all the members on board and excited about the things that are happening at Adoration Christian Centre. Pastor Octavius opened the meeting with a time of prayer and Bible study and then went over our mission and vision statements. Randy and I led the team through the history of Adoration, what is happening currently and where we would like to see Adoration going. We went over all the current programs Adoration is running and the the suggested plans for next year. This meeting was an informative meeting, bringing them more up to speed on where Adoration Christian Centre is at, so that they can bring advice to help guide it. It was a blessing to have these people here and a blessing for this board meeting to happen.
Today the students all came back to school. This is the only day this week that they have to come back to school. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday are all holidays. This week is offical kite flying week. A lot of children in Port au Prince are flying kites this week. Not only that but it is also Holy Friday and Holy Monday, know to us as Good Friday and Easter Monday. So we as a school decided to have the children and their parents come in to get their report cards in the middle of their breaks. We figured this gave the teachers enough time to mark their exams and get the report cards filled out.
So the day has arrived, the children are here, the parents are here. Who is going to get the highest marks? Who is going to get the best work ethic in each class? Who has not missed a day or been late even once? All these questions will be answered in a short period of time. The students are on the edge of their seats…
Once again the building committee has been called together to help rebuild or build houses for families in our community as the result of the earth quake that hit over two years ago. There are still many families, many people that are living in tents, in houses that have cracks in them, or in houses that do not have a wall that surrounds their house. Last week Friday the committee met and went through the many applications. There are so many and there is only so much money! As a committee we took almost six hours to assess which families needed the ‘most’ help. As you can understand this was a difficult tasks for us. Over the next couple of weeks the committee will go and visit some of the homes to finish assessing the need.
This is a huge project and we would like you to include us in your prayers. So please pray for: discernment in picking the families that need the most help; hiring of labourors to do the work, the work to be completed on time; understanding from the community about the decisions that we have made.